9 Essential Attributes & Tools to Become a Financially Secure Artist

“I hate marketing.”

Many artists claim that marketing for sales is their least favorite and most discouraging aspect of being an artist.

But ignoring it and dreaming of a lucky break + notoriety is not wise. Your art fulfills you, but not treating it as a business means it’s a fun hobby/side-hustle. And perhaps that’s good enough for some.

But if you want to evolve into a financially successful artist (your primary income), it’s less about luck and more a combination of a few key attributes + tools.

Attributes: These business-mindset attributes are critical for growing your art business. Try to spend just 5% of the art-focused part of your day considering and practicing these attributes. It will make a big difference.

  1. Fortitude: Not giving up after disappointments. Believing in your process and your art.

  2. Diversification: Seeking maximum exposure through multiple quality sales and marketing tools, not just one or two.

  3. Consistency: Abandon the “set it and forget it” wishful thinking mentality. Tune into and use all of the tools on a regular basis.

Toolset: This is the minimum set of business tools every serious artist should pursue.

  1. Artist’s social media for self-promotion; minimum weekly posts. Ideally daily.

  2. External social media promotion (for example, using sojuni’s Gallery & Marketing Plans) to extend reach and credibility.

  3. Artist’s website, whether or not it includes eCommerce, to build SEO and credibility. View options

  4. Email marketing lists, at least two lists (potentials and buyers) that are best built through your website to attract and retain collectors.

  5. Global online gallery representation for professional marketing, credibility, and managing the sales process from buyers all over the world.

  6. Local/regional pursuits, including in-person galleries and art shows to build name-awareness and local sales.

  7. Pros & Cons: Online marketplaces, such as Fine Art America or Etsy. It depends on your goals and patience level.

Consider and practice these attributes daily, and see what’s missing in your toolset. If you need a website, visit our Austen Agency website to get started.


How to Price Your Artwork


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